Thursday, January 22, 2009

Good Times in Granada

Hey Folks,

Sorry it's been a little while since we updated this thing. We've had a nice few weeks in Granada after my parents' visit. Most of the time we've been enjoying our volunteer work with La Esperanza, but we've also found some time to get away from Granada and chill.

Our uniform/school supply project is coming along nicely, and we should have all school necessities distributed to La Esperanza children by the end of next week. After that, we'll begin spending our mornings in a local school tutoring and helping out.

We've continued to spend our afternoons working with Junior and Whitman. Nina's speech therapy with Junior is coming along really well! He is saying words and making sounds that he never made before, and because of a very comprehensive picture book that Nina made for him, he is learning how to communicate his thoughts and wants with less and less frustration. I am still tagging along to play with/distract Whitman during Junior's therapy with Nina. Luckily, Whitman has not attempted to murder any more birds. He has, however, discovered my iPod, and I'm afraid he's hooked. I think he's approaching his thousandth time having listened to Shakira's "Hips Don't Lie" (see the funny video below). Anyway, I have started to read a chapter book with him by bribing him with iPod use after each chapter. The book is in Spanish, so it's probably like being read to by a third grader for him, but at least it's something!

This past weekend, we got away for a few days to nearby Laguna de Apoyo, a beautiful lagoon less than 30 minutes from Granada. For two days we did nothing but lounge around, swim, read, enjoy free internet, and eat great food.

Back in Granada, we joined much of the world on Tuesday in watching the inauguration of our 44th president. It was great fun watching the event, especially since it took place just steps from our old neighborhood. We know every crack in the sidewalk around the Capitol and the mall, and it was frustrating having to watch it on TV and not be there. In order to support the new President, we cracked open a bottle of Champagne with our roommates and baked a great big chocolate chip cookie, which we dubbed "La Galleta de Esperanza" (in English, "the hope cookie"). In spite of our silliness, we enjoyed the historic event from afar, and sent our best wishes to the new guy. He needs them.

Other than that, not a whole lot going on. We're really, really excited about a slew of visitors over the next month! Tomorrow, we are headed to Rodney's house where we'll spend the weekend with Sally and Manny Debono, and their daughter (our sis-in-law) Becca. Sally is celebrating her 70th birthday by returning to the country of her birth, and we are excited to share that special experience with her. Expect a blog post next week with fun photos! Also, Nina's parents have booked tickets and will visit for a week in February! It's likely that the blog post following their visit holds unprecedented comic potential, so be sure to stay tuned. And just when you think it can't get any better, my mom is coming back down to visit us when we return to Costa Rica! Oh! And Kathy and Paige after that! We are so well-loved!

Before I break down in tears, fun pictures and video:

We went out with the roommates for karaoke. Here, the boys butcher "Bohemian Rhapsody:"
Together at karaoke:

Relaxing at Laguna de Apoyo:

Nice view at Laguna de Apoyo:

Junior working with the wonderful book that Nina made for him:

During a therapy session:

Funny haircut story #2! For my second cut here, Nina accompanied me to make sure there was no funny business. Things went great until the very end, when the guy suddenly dumped half a gallon of gel in my hair to give me some style. Apparently, the porcupine look is in style here. Nina, of course, couldn't help but laugh in the guy's face, even though he was very serious about this:
Finally, some cute video of Junior and Whitman. Junior is riding me like a horse and saying "Va!" (a new word for him), and Whitman is dancing to (and trying to sing) "Hips Don't Lie:"

That's all for now! We'll post next week after fun with the Debonos!

Paul and Nina


MBS said...

Sweet niecey Neen and Paulo, I loved the newest post! Your time there, the work with the boys, Nina's book, and especially the video of the little boys--so cute! Thanks for sharing. Love, AB

MBS said...

forgot to say--tell the DeBs and Rebecca hi and say a special happy birthday to Sally for us.
Love, AB

Susie said...

What a great post! I always enjoy reading you!! Brava Nina for your work with Junior...loved the video, too, Paul. And the haircut!
Aren't you lucky having so many visitors!
I'll be watching for your new postings!!I've a feeling your real adventures are just beginning!
Take care, have a real fun time with everyone!!

Susie said...

Sorry, I didn't realize it was going to leave the picture..hope it doesn't scare you! :-)

Susie said...

Now they're both gone..Can't win for loosing...:-( I need to undo that!