Monday, February 23, 2009

Pictures from my parents' trip

Thanks to Becca, my parents' pictures are online. Here are a few for you to enjoy!

In Matagalpa, Nicaragua on the Selva Negra Coffee Farm (available at Whole Foods!)

Horseback riding on the farm:

The workers sorting the coffee:

One of our many meals on the farm:

The children collecting mud from the boiling pits:

Fresh fish on the beach:

Fresh fish (see the pattern?) in Granada:

Lucy, the monkey, stealing our nuts!:

Nina with Lucy on her lap:

Paul and Nina with Whitman and Junior:

Out to dinner at Rodney's wonderful restaurant on my parents' last night:


MBS said...

I love it! I can see my brother's face when he said that his pseudo-Spanish just "sounded right." The whole description was great. So glad you'll be home soon!
Aunt Beth

Susie said...

I really got a bang out of reading the post of John and Elaine's well written!! I can imagine the confusion and laughter while actually living each experience...But isn't it great to have fun as a family.
Have a great trip back to the states, whenever it is you leave.
I'll miss not reading about your exotic adventures...
Hope to see you in Indy in the fall.